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What are your business blueprints?

God is in the DNA of your Business

One of the most amazing things about our bodies is that when we are injured, they immediately set out to heal themselves. We don’t have to think about the process. The required information needed to repair itself is just built into every cell! How does this work? Our bodies come with miniature instruction manuals that tell our bodies how to develop, survive and reproduce. The average adult has between 28-36 TRILLION cells in their body and each cell contains its own instruction manual (the DNA sequence). This DNA sequence is your human genome, the blueprint for your body. The human genome is made up of roughly  3.16 BILLION DNA! While we see the body as a whole, the reality is that the body is actually made up of billions of bits of information that result in the dark hair, brown eyes, and ten fingers that we see.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalm 139:13-14

Your DNA sequence is not accidental, but intentional. God is in the details of you.

What does your DNA sequencing have to do with your business?

In much the same way that the human body is made up of billions of bits of information, your business is also made up of billions of bits of information…or decisions. Just as God is in the details of your body, God is in the details of your business. When a body is stressed, the human genome kicks into action and begins to do what it was coded to do. Likewise, when your business is stressed, it will function the way it was blueprinted to do. The question is, Who wrote the blueprints for your business? Your business DNA matters. The details matter.

Jesus said, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Matthew 6:33

The context of His statement was worry but He isn’t limiting this to worries regarding family life or just your personal life. It is inclusive of all of life. He is saying, “Don’t let worry about tomorrow dictate your actions for today.” Your business matters to Him. The coding of your business DNA is critical. The blueprint of your business, how you respond to employees, to customers, to vendors, to the community, to failures and successes, all of it is coded into your business DNA. God is in those details. He longs to use your business to advance the Kingdom, to spread His love, and show there is a way to live with His kingdom and His righteousness first.

You may wonder, “How is this possible?” “What does that even look like?” “Where would we even start?” At BMI we believe strongly in the power of prayer and the importance of community. The Bible says, Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jesus knows the answers to your questions. He is the master at writing DNA coding. His business plans never fail.

First – Call on Him and know that He will answer.

Next – Invest in, and be invested in by, community.

Just as one cell cannot repair the entire body on its own, so businesses cannot operate on their own. A cell may know what needs to be done, but it needs the help of the other cells to fulfill the job. We need each other. Business & Ministry Initiatives is focused on connecting businesses and ministries to advance the Kingdom of God. We know that businesses are blessed when they support and promote ministries. Similarly, ministries which support and encourage businesses are able to have a generational impact.

At BMI, we love watching God at work in our community. Reach out to us and see how we can connect you with others. It’s in our DNA.  

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