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Where is your treasure?

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). While you may be familiar with the verse, did you know that the Greek word for treasure is thésauros which is the root to the English word “thesaurus” (a storehouse [treasure] of synonyms)? While some might translate this verse to mean “Where your money is, there your heart will be also,” the more accurate view would be, “Wherever you put something that is important to you (your treasure storehouse), that’s where your heart will be.”

The word thésauros literally means a receptacle for valuables.

What do you value?

So the real question is, “What do you value?” Because whatever that is, that’s where your heart is… and what you value isn’t always money. It is whatever you treasure, whatever you set your thoughts on. A clue might be whatever you are protecting, hiding, or are afraid of losing. Your heart can be trapped because you won’t let something go. U2 has a song called, “Stuck in a Moment You Can’t Get Out Of.” It is a song about a lady living in worry. Her heart is locked away in a storehouse, far away from the heart of God. You have probably heard people say, or even said yourself, “I have just lost heart.” It is not that she actually lost her heart, it was stolen. Her heart is with her treasure and it was not stored in heavenly places.

The danger is that, since our hearts are following what is important to us, we are vulnerable to being led far away from the One who knows us best. If your heart is rooted in your business, your heart is vulnerable to theft. Our hearts hurt because they are no longer in a safe place. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had their hearts firmly rooted in the Lord. Even if all was lost, they were not lost. Their treasure, their hearts, were stored in heavenly places.

The heart follows, it doesn’t lead

Jesus, knowing our hearts will follow after whatever is important to us, says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” He designed our hearts and is letting us know how they work. It is not a bad thing that our hearts follow what we treasure, that’s normal. We just need to be sure our “treasures”–wherever we store our valuables–are FDIC- approved (Found Directly In Christ).

Protecting the storehouse

Our hearts are vulnerable and our enemy knows that. The safest place, says Jesus, is to ensure our storehouse is in heaven. How do we do this?

  • First, we must continually connect back to the One who knows our innermost thoughts, the One who knows our comings and goings (Psalm 139:2), who says not to worry about what we will eat or drink (Matthew 6:25), trusting that He will provide. That is actually His name, Jehovah Jirah, The God who Provides.
  • Second, we must remain connected with people that are like-minded, people who also want their storehouses in heaven. There are many great places to do this. Two of our partners that can help are TCA and FCCI.

Partner Spotlight: TCA and FCCI

We are so proud to partner with two amazing organizations that encourage business owners to continually focus on storing treasures in heaven. The world brings a lot of pressure, and worry is right on its heels. TCA and FCCI are fantastic groups that will help you and inspire you to walk with Jesus in your workplace.

For FCCI: reach out to Tad Douglas or Kevin Rapp for more information. They continually have meet-ups with great speakers. Visit

For TCA: reach out to Bruce Zoeller for more information. They have weekly and monthly roundtables as well as one-on-one mentorship opportunities available.

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