Hebrews 12:2

Trailblazing Faith

by Lucas Frazier

Jesus is the trailblazer (archegon) and perfector of faith.

The Greek word archegon in Hebrews 12:2 can be translated as author, founder, pioneer, or trailblazer. Jesus is not just the pioneer of your faith, He is the pioneer of Faith. He is the original trailblazer of faith. We don’t blaze our own trails, we follow the paths He has blazed for us. We follow in His footsteps. This trail is narrow and few travel it, but it is where real beauty and life reside. He leads us in paths of righteousness. This path is rich beyond measure.  As Jim Elliot said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”

My life was change forever once I stepped off the main highway, with its every tenth of a mile marked out, and I decided to follow the Original Trailblazer. The writings you find here are from the heart of someone following the unmarked path of faith.  The terrain can be rough and the trail sketchy, but the intimacy of walking with Jesus is worth every bit.

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